Unique Features of English Bulldogs

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November 12, 2013

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Did you know that dog breeders do not recommend English Bulldogs as first dogs? They require a sort of special attention and care and it is rather difficult to treat them well for unexperienced owners. The information below will help you to know more about them and to inquire some of the dog experts' opinions. 


First of all, as dog specialists denote, long regular walks are not for this breed. If you want a dog that will motivate you for walking or jogging - dog experts recommend to choose the other breed. Typically a Bulldog is running around like mad for first 5-10 minutes, then collapses on the ground and you need to carry your heavy four-legged friend back way home.


There are also many issues concerning their health, because of their unique body structure. They have problems with breathing, they are very sensitive to heat and cold, you will need to spend much time for grooming and they require special care every day. 


The last and the most important thing you need to know, is that English Bulldogs are considered to be very proud breed with steel will. They won't complain about their stance, that's why dog experts recommend to be very attentive of their health and mental condition.


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