How To Train An English Bulldog Puppy. Some Essential Tips

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January 14, 2014

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     Often our clients ask us how to train an English Bulldog puppy, what kind of equipment is needed and when it is better to start. You can find a lot of information about it in the internet. But there are some key rules, which we hope will help you to grow your English Bulldog obedient and more sociable. So, experts recommend following things:

  1. When you take your puppy from a breeder, you should ensure that he will be comfortable and taken proper care of at your home.
  2. Most important component is early socialization. You have to start socializing your dog almost from birth. This is an integral part of training and your pooch will become comfortable in all kind of situations. 
  3. Be sure to teach your puppy the dog obedience commands early on. 
  4. Be consistent throughout your training session. 
  5. Carry out your training at the same place everyday. 
  6. Above all, be patient. Although things may not go as smoothly as you hoped it would be, it is still possible to train your dog. 

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