Bright Shining English Bulldog Pinch Collar Made of Chrome Plated Steel
Can't manage your English Bulldog? Has he become disobedient? Then some methods that will help you in remedying this problem should be applied. If you have already tried lots of means, but none of them turned out to be effective, it is time to use one more well-known way - to employ prong collar in upbringing process. And now we present you one of such an item. This Stainless Steel Pinch Collar
is meant to be your assistant. It will help you to control your English Bulldog and to turn him into an obedient pet.
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Safe English Bulldog pinch collar with blunt prongs
Pinch collar with front metal plate for English Bulldog
Key features of this English Bulldog Collar: - Corrosion resistance
- Prongs symmetrically arranged around the collar
- Bright shine
- Smooth surface
- Consists only of welded parts
- Increased tensile strength
- New design with a center-plate
- 2 O-rings for leash attachment
- Extra strong
| Intended use of this English Bulldog Collar: - Obedience training
- Safe walking
Sizes available: - 25 inch (65 cm)
- Prong's diameter - 3.99 mm (1/6 inch)
| Material: |
The size of this particular Pinch Dog Collar is 25 inch (65 cm) with prongs diameter - 1/6 inch (3.99 mm), and consists of 10 links.
If your dog's neck circumference is more than 25 inch (65 cm), you can order
an additional link, that will add 1 4/5 inch (4.5 cm) to the total collar length. So that means if your dog's neck circumference is 26 inch (70 cm) you'll need to order 2 additional links. If you choose the right size of the pinch collar, it is impossible to put it on/off through the dog's head, so you will need to open the links to do that.
You can also order nylon removable protector for this pinch collar:
- Reduces contact with water
- Protects against excessive light reflection
- Collar makes less noise
- Does not look like pinch collar - looks like regular collar

Nylon removable protector for this pinch collar
This Pinch Collar is manufactured by Herm Sprenger company. Its motto "Quality, that performs" speaks for itself. The tool is made of Chrome plated steel. This material is absolutely rust-resistant and has a shining look. The links with prongs are removable, so if you need a smaller or bigger length, just add or remove one or several links.
It is not recommended to leave the dog unsupervised when he is wearing a prong collar. So keep an eye on your English Bulldog to prevent injuries. But if used properly, the pinch collar will not do any harm to your canine.
Remember! There is a general rule of a thumb for prong collars which reads the following: if you need to use more than a couple fingers on the leash while using a prong collar, you’re doing something wrong. So just be sure that you do everything right and then we guarantee that your English Bulldog will not suffer while being collared with a prong tool.
Take a Look at Metal Collar in 3D