Travelling With Your Bully - Tips And Advice
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People love travelling. It is all about visiting new places, learning interesting things and touching the culture unknown before. But, if you are a dog owner and you want to travel with your dog, you should know some pitfalls.
It is considered by dog experts that the level of stress during travelling depends on dog's character, temperament and their level of socialization. Dogs can easily carry over a short ride in a car, but a continuous drive may influence badly on their mental and physical state. Professional handlers also note that flights occur to be more unpleasant, because the dog stays without their owner's control and can behave
So, if you minimize the risks of mental and physical traumas and create some comfort for your beloved Bully while travelling, you should follow two advice from dog behaviourists. First - crate your dog. It will help you to avoid some traumas and protect you and other people from unpredictable reactions of your pet. Second - create a familiar atmosphere for your dog by taking his favourite things (like toys, equipment, bowls, etc.) with you.

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