Curogan English Bulldog Pinch Collar
Are you in two minds? Can't decide whether to buy a prong collar or not? Are you afraid that it can injure your English Bulldog? Let's be realists. Of course, it may cause some injuries but if used properly and sensibly it will NEVER hurt your pet. Pinch collar is a quick and easy way to teach your canine to be obedient, but it shouldn't be used by those handlers who are ignorant of the method of prong collar usage.
One more size is available:
Key features of this English Bulldog Collar: - Curogan alloy
- Free of nickel
- 2 O-rings for the leash attachment
- Symmetrical prongs around the collar
| Intended use of this English Bulldog Collar: - Professional dog training
- Everyday walking
Sizes available: - 23 inch (58 cm) in length
- Prong's diameter - 3.25 mm (1/8 inch)
- Will do for dogs with weight up to 77 lbs (35 kg)
| Material: |
The size of this Curogan Dog Pinch Collar is 1/8 inch (3.25 mm) -10 links - 23 inch ( 58 cm ). You can buy
an additional link, which will add 1 4/5 inch (4.5 cm) to the length of the collar.
You can also order nylon removable protector for this pinch collar which: - Reduces contact with water.
- Protects against excessive light reflection.
- Collar makes less noise.
- Does not look like pinch collar - looks like regular collar.

Know more about this Prong Collar:
- Size. The size of this Curogan English Bulldog Pinch Collar
is 23 inch (58 cm) with prongs diameter - 3.25 mm (1/8 inch). Additional links may be easily added or
removed if needed to provide perfect fit.
- Material. The tool is made of Curogan - the stuff which is
free of nickel therefore your pet's fur is protected from discoloration and his skin from allergy. Moreover,
it is rather tough.
- Efficacy. The collar is designed to mimic the sensation of
when a mother bites it’s pup. From a very young age, puppies learn when they’ve done something unacceptable
when their mother physically bites their necks. So it is natural for the pet to feel bites.
Remember! There is a
general rule of a thumb for prong collars which reads the following: if you need to use more than a couple
fingers on the leash while using a prong collar, you’re doing something wrong. So just be sure that you do
everything right and then we guarantee that your English Bulldog will not suffer while being collared with a
prong tool.
NOTE! Curogan collars should work for other colors of fur. It is anti-allergic and it is ok for all dogs, except for those with white fur. Stainless steel collars should be offered for dogs with white fur.